
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Does this Work?

We’ve made it easy to order personalized posters for your stars. Simply shop today and select your style and size, and checkout. After checkout, you will be able to complete the information for your poster and be able to upload your image. We’ll take it from there and your poster will be on its way in just a few days. 

Q. Can I Upload a Picture from My Phone?

In most cases, phones today take high enough quality images we can use to create your poster. Be sure the image is clear and the subject looks the way you would like. If we do have any concerns about the image, we will reach out to you. 

Q. How Long Does it Take Until I Receive My Poster? 

We will have your poster completed within a few days, and with shipping, the poster should arrive within two weeks. 

Q. What Sports or Activities are Best to Have a Personalized Poster?

 We can create a poster for your star for any activity, any sport, and any age. 

Q. What if I Have a Special Request? 

Please feel free to reach out to us with any special requests and we’ll work to do our best to meet your requests. 

For any other questions or comments, please reach out to us on our contact page.